Business Knowledge
April 26, 2023

The processes of change and transformation are natural to humans and their environment. The tree is always there, but it is in constant innovation, modification, and evolution; it does not matter if the leaves dry up; it is constantly evolving because the old leaves must dry up so that new ones can flourish.
Likewise, they are the processes in companies; new skills must be constantly developed that adapt to the new economies, new business ideas, etc. The BK covers many business-related topics, including organizational culture and leadership.
The BK is essential when making business decisions since these will have a significant impact on how businesses are carried out. However, it is necessary to give a name to who develops this ability, and they are well known in our blog, "leaders"
Business leaders need to be aware of the results of their business decisions. From the legal framework, going through the commercial until reaching the ethical and human level are the considerations of every good business leader.
Sharing experiences with employees through meetings, conferences, talks, and Group Meetings will allow a collective better understanding of the operations and business to develop within the organization and as an essential point, it begins with a chain of knowledge, making all the important ones, necessary without being indispensable.