Creativity, Talent or so slow (ta'lento)
February 22, 2024

Creativity, how many times in life we have come across this word, causing some people headaches due to mental blocks and others satisfaction for the works of art that highlight their talent.
It's all about your perspective. When you think that creativity is only a work of art, a 10 stitch knitting or a Botero sculpture, without imagining that we are all creative and we all have the capacity, some more active than others, but we all have the capacity to create.
Not only do you create physical and palpable things, you also create moments, emotions and sensations. Do you have any idea how many emotions you have created and impacted your environment?
Instead of asking yourself Am I creative? Better ask yourself: What have I created? Our nature is creative but in our hands is to create from the positive, the joyful, the healthy; everything that builds in me and in my environment.
If they told you that the creative is the artist, the entrepreneur or the successful, remind them of the old saying, "if lemons fall from the sky, learn to make lemonade" that is creativity, to do, to move from what you have to give and impact. Dare to create spaces to meet with yourself and integrate with your loved ones, what better creative act than to meet again with those we love.
Remember that you are not slow to create, you were created to create. So let's get to work, let's create!