Kissing, Love or Chemistry?
February 26, 2024

We have all given, received and longed for a kiss from that loved one, friend or little creature underneath. The contexts in which we can place kisses are different and the sensations they can awaken in human beings are very distant.
That's why today, on the international kissing day, we are going to talk about the different effects, the most known, that kissing has on the human being. So get ready, take pencil and paper if you want to cause these effects or just pay close attention to the reading, maybe you will learn something new today.
Emotional effect: When you receive a kiss endorphins are released, this generates positive sensory reactions in our brain and directly impacts our emotions. A kiss helps to reduce emotions such as stress, depression, sadness, among others and gives presence to feelings such as tenderness and love, for example, when a mother kisses her child or vice versa.
Spiritual Effect: Exploring and enjoying every moment of life is one of the benefits of kissing. When you kiss or receive a kiss, you forget for a moment what will happen next, what happened yesterday or what you are going through today; the act of kissing is a gateway to the present life, because you only concentrate on that moment of love, tenderness, affection, affection, passion.
A kiss activates oxytocin, which is the hormone related to love, union and well-being. Our brain and body understand this, that's why a kiss gives us energy to face adverse moments.
Physical Effect: Here there are many hormones that can be released with just one kiss. Let's start with dopamine which is the hormone responsible for pleasure, serotonin which promotes arousal and epinephrine which increases the heart rate, among others we have already mentioned.
That is to say, when we love, want or express our affection for someone through a kiss, an integral process is generated in our body, vibrating from the emotions, passing through our spiritual aura and concluding all in the chemical processes that happen in our body.