
The Human Voice

February 13, 2024

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Human VoiceCommunication is one of the key ingredients that can help us establish healthy relationships. Fortunately, we can all develop this ability, with which we nurture relationships based on trust and permanent connection with the other.

However, it is important to keep in mind that communication takes place in many ways, verbal, textual, with signs, even corporal. You have heard that phrase that says "There is a voice inside you, that whispers all day". Today we tell you that it is so, that voice is expressed through our humanity, our corporality, our health; and tells exactly what it has to convey.

If we are loaded with negative thoughts, we are going to be living from frustration, bitterness, anxiety and that our body expresses in different ways; some people with heartburn, others with heartburn, allergies, headaches, among many other pathologies and discomforts that would not be part of our daily lives if we understood how important mental health is; since this naturally gives us general well-being and stability in all areas of our lives.

In the book The Quality Mind, "The Human Voice" highlights the importance of understanding and becoming aware of how vital it is for relationships, communication from understanding, that we are all different but even so, we are one and that diversity makes us strong and whole, since everyone contributes what they have to give.

In the 21st century it is very common to find people concerned about their physical appearance and there is nothing wrong with this; however, we have completely forgotten the essence of my being, that which moves me from within and reflects me. Therefore, we do not feed our spirit, which weakens before the stigmas that current events offer us and we begin to be what they tell me I should be, but not what I really am.

Stop interpreting situations and take the time to observe, gives us the ability to find the essence, the other and mine. Thai-Ru affirms that "The mind keeps memories of life, but it is not responsible for your history", that is, my past does not justify my present, we have the power to change, to adjust, to reconfigure our lives, but we must start working from the inside and without further delay.

Let's begin to change the vocabulary, let's think about our behavior, let's evaluate our situations, this will help us to have appropriate language and accurate communication with others, taking me closer to my center every day.

Today you can make the decision to exercise mentally and be yourself, without the garbage that makes you lose your center. Our programs can help you in this process, taking you step by step in the recognition of your Human Voice. Don't wait any longer, write to us!

Categories: Wellness

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